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110 West E. Street and 511 N. Euclid Avenue Construction of a 2,430 square foot drive-thru restaurant (Starbucks Coffee), with a 480 square foot outdoor patio.
The 2,430 square foot drive-thru restaurant (Starbucks Coffee) and 480 square foot outdoor patio is oriented with the building entry and patio fronting onto Euclid Avenue. The patio will have a solid roof cover and be enclosed by a 4-foot high decorative metal fence. A 3-foot landscape setback, behind the sidewalk, has been provided along the Euclid Avenue frontage of the building. The drive-thru lanes, pick-up window, and off-street parking facilities are oriented toward the rear building and are not visible from Euclid Avenue. The drive-thru lane will be screened from view of a public street through building orientation, landscaping, and low screen wall.