Big Things Are Happening

Big plans are underway to transform Downtown Ontario into the cultural and entertainment heart of the Inland Empire. Now is the time to get in on the ground floor. Some of the public and private investment initiatives and programs transforming our Downtown include:

Downtown Ontario Association
Formed in 2019, the Downtown Ontario Improvement Association is dedicated to enhancing the district’s image as a clean, safe, and vibrant destination for the entire community.

Improved Transit Connections
The West Valley Connector is a $280 million Bus Rapid Transit project slated for completion in 2024. The project will improve connections between the Downtown, the Ontario International Airport (ONT), the Ontario Convention Center, two Metrolink lines, and other regional points of interest.

Strategic Property Acquisitions
The City of Ontario is investing more than $10 million to acquire and position key properties for strategic redevelopment.

$60M+ Transformation
A $35 million grant from the California Strategic Growth Council will help improve and expand the Downtown’s pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, fund new housing development, plant trees, expand transit services, and support an exciting new small business incubator. This grant also leverages $28 million in outside funds for the Downtown revitalizing vision.

Click here to download the Ontario Thinks Downtown Booklet for more information!