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The Downtown Euclid Avenue Mixed-Use Development (“Development”) is located on approximately 1.66 acres of land, containing an area bordered by D Street to the north, Lemon Avenue to the east, C Street to the south, and Euclid Avenue to the west.
The Development offers an opportunity to continue Ontario’s efforts to revitalize downtown Ontario with new “urban” high-density residential units. The Ontario Plan (“TOP”) identifies this area as the Downtown Mixed-Use District. The Downtown Mixed-Use District vision is intended to create an intensive mixture of retail, office, and residential uses in a pedestrian-friendly atmosphere, while ensuring that the historic character of the district is enhanced and concentrating the most intense/dense development along Euclid Avenue and Holt Boulevard. The Development location is ideally located to provide high density residential units next to local shopping, public transportation, and other amenities that will enhance the quality of life for the future residents.
The Development will result in the construction of approximately 150 market-rate rental housing units. The project will further include approximately 6,000 square feet of ground level retail and service commercial space directly fronting Euclid Avenue. An on-site management office, fully staffed on a daily basis, will be located within the project at the northeast comer of Euclid Avenue and C Street. The project also includes an outdoor pool/open space area for residents. One-bedroom units are proposed to range in size from 690-740 square feet and two-bedroom units will range in size from 975-1,050 square feet.
The Developer is a partnership of Kendrew Development Company, located in Ontario, California, and Hutton Companies, based in Orange, California. Both firms have extensive experience developing, owning and managing commercial, residential, and mixed-use projects at several locations throughout Southern California.
The estimated total development construction cost is $30,000,000. The Development has been designed with the highest level of architectural features and quality to provide exceptional benefits to the City and be a catalyst for future development in the Downtown/Civic Center area. The site plan has been prepared to be consistent with the development and design guidelines as contained in the Downtown Specific Plan.